Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Home as spiritual dwellling > Page 4


Home ~ our natural abode

heaven all along the way

Page 4

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Home reminds us
there is always Something more present

Home reminds us
the world and our lives here are fleeting ~
so cherish the moment, so love with all the Heart

Home reminds us
humbleness invites the epiphany of the Mysterious

opens our being to a whole different world
somewhere else, yet not other than where you are
timeless, but not other than the time registered on the clock

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when Home, we feel freedom to relax and simply be
feel the joy of Love, loving, and being loved,
feel the grace to worship as spontaneous reply to the Mystery

when Home
we sense we belong, cannot not belong,
for our essence is belonging

we discover Love
in communion, in being-with everyone, everything,
and joy in creating these connections

we know we ourselves do not have a Home
for Home cannot be had, is
pure Gift, place of the Heart

heaven all along the way

*Brian Wilcox. "heaven all along the way". Flickr.

(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019

*Brian can be contacted through the following link.



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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Home as spiritual dwellling > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2024